JS: The world's smallest logging library

Real pro’s debug with console.log ;-) So let’s build a the world’s smallest logging library. It is called picolog or plog for short as has ZERO dependencies.

// picolog.js
export default function plog ( ctx, out = console.log ) {
  return ctx ? (...args) => out('[' + ctx + ']', ...args) : () => {};
import plog from '@picolog'

const log   = plog('foobar');                // create a logger with context 'foobar'
const log   = plog(false);                   // create a disabled logger
const log   = plog(!'foobar');               // ...or disable logger by adding '!'
const log   = plog('foobar', () => {});      // ...or by passing an empty function
const error = plog('foobar', console.error); // create a logger that logs to console.error

now start logging with:

log('hello', 'world', 42)

or get fancy with:

import plog from '@picolog'

const fancy_out = (...args) => {
  console.log("🤖 %c" + args[0],
    "color: white; background-color: #69b42d",

const log = plog('context', fancy_out);  // create a logger with fance output

log("hello world", 0)
log("hello world", 1)

Combining this with the filter function of the browser dev tools is actually pretty useful. Just filter by context.

Console Screenshot
Screenshot 1 See the original